Raman is the Solution For Non-Invasive, Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Sampling blood using finger pricks or the insertion of electrochemical devices into the skin are the two invasive and intrusive choices facing a person with diabetes today. A recently published paper by Todaro et. al. has reviewed the extensive field of technologies aiming to realize non-invasive glucose monitoring, and points to Raman technology combined with […]
Showcase of our trial-ready technology, GlucoBeam
We will exhibit our cutting-edge non-invasive glucose monitor, GlucoBeam at ATTD 2019 ATTD, one of the world’s leading scientific forums for showcasing the latest breakthroughs in diabetes technology, will be held in Berlin later this week. Set to make our first conference appearance as an exhibitor at the prestigious New Technologies Fair, we will unveil […]
ISO 13485:2016 Certification awarded to RSP systems
It is with great pride that we announce our latest achievement! RSP Systems has been awarded the ISO 13485:2016 Certification from LRQA! For more information, click this link to the press release.
RSP’s first video released
RSP Systems has recently had the honor of being the subject of a short film produced by MOOT (www.moot.video). In the film, you get the chance to meet one of the founders and CTO, Stefan O. Banke, and hear firsthand his explanation of our technology and the device that we are developing to non-invasively measure […]
Conducting clinical trials with Steno Diabetes Center in Odense
Transitioning collaboration from OUH to the new Steno Diabetes Center in Odense The Department of Endocrinology M, OUH has been the clinical investigator of most of the explorative studies of our device; from the early working models in 2009 to the first prototypes in 2018. This department is highly specialised within the field of endocrinology and diabetes […]
Clinical trial planned
Clinical trial planned in collaboration with the University of Gothenberg RSP Systems is initiating an explorative study in collaboration with Professor Per-Anders Jansson at Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg. People with Type 1 diabetes, as well as people with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes, are eligible to participate. In addition to investigating the improvement of technology accuracy, […]