Raman is the Solution For Non-Invasive, Continuous Glucose Monitoring


Sampling blood using finger pricks or the insertion of electrochemical devices into the skin are the two invasive and intrusive choices facing a person with diabetes today.

A recently published paper by Todaro et. al. has reviewed the extensive field of technologies aiming to realize non-invasive glucose monitoring, and points to Raman technology combined with advanced mathematical prediction models as having a solid basis for establishing non-invasive glucose monitoring.

The paper has it, that only RSP Systems is demonstrating a practical BGM Raman device in the public domain. The necessity to deal with interferences is mentioned as a particular challenge:

“We have developed methods for gauging the interfering potential of compounds, with which we pinpoint potential interferents, to be dealt with in clinical studies. Our latest clinical results, soon to be published, clearly shows that our device is robust to outside influences, as it works well in a broad population of people with diabetes at home, at work and while travelling” 
Anders Weber, CEO of RSP Systems.

You can read the paper by Tadaro et. al here.