Transitioning collaboration from OUH to the new Steno Diabetes Center in Odense
The Department of Endocrinology M, OUH has been the clinical investigator of most of the explorative studies of our device; from the early working models in 2009 to the first prototypes in 2018. This department is highly specialised within the field of endocrinology and diabetes and is headed by Chief Physician Jan Erik Henriksen, a leading diabetologist with extensive, documented merits and research experience. The Department of Endocrinology M has facilitated the first in man studies of RSP’s device and studies conducted at the department have founded the clinical basis of the development of the technology.

Steno Diabetes Center, Odense, Denmark
As per January 2018, Jan Erik Henriksen is the appointed Center Director at the newly founded Steno Diabetes Center Odense (SDCO). The Center and Jan Erik Henriksen will continue to conduct clinical studies and contribute to the clinical demonstration of safety and performance of the device.
This center was launched as part of a vision to increase the national level efforts towards the research and development of medicine and devices that will assist patients with diabetes or pre-diabetes.